"Man, that's a really good looking haircut." Walter to Matt

"Back in Vietnam it took the Air Force barber 1 minute to do my hair and cost 75 cents!" - Bear's Dad

"You gave me a really good haircut. I could tell because when it grew out it kept a really nice shape." - Michael

"Got a ton of compliments on the new do. Thanks!!!" - Jimmie

"Loving the new hair! You did a great job! What was the name of that cream stuff? I decided I want some. I am brand new to hair products." - Sean

"You are officially my barber! Haircut did me well this weekend!" - Adam (who had a date after his haircut. Wink. Wink.)

"Thanks for chopping my face!" - Pinball (I didn't cut him. I trimmed his beard. He liked it.)

"You're my Barber from now on. I love my hair." - Lindsay

"Halp!" - Emanuele (with the thickest beard known to man)

"I'm getting so many compliments, dude!" - Patric

"Ain't too many people I'd sit in the chair for, with a razor, except Bear." - Rico

"I actually like it." - Carlos

"I had been cutting my own hair and it was disastrous. I have been hiding my shaved head for months! Thanks, girl!" - Sarah